Data Submission Agreement
Curation: Review of data for anomalous spatial, temporal, taxonomic values, potential duplication, and/or violation of any other business rules applied for quality control purposes.
Data: In the context of this agreement, all files and associated metadata provided to the Biodiversity Information Office (BIO) using this interface.
Dandjoo: The Western Australian biodiversity data-sharing platform established by BIO.
Downstream use: Third-party use of data made available via the Dandjoo platform.
Sensitive species: Any species on the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) Threatened and Priority Fauna List or DBCA Threatened and Priority Flora List.
- I confirm that I have the authority to share any data I submit through this interface and to consent to these Terms and Conditions.
- I agree that any data I submit through this interface is provided to BIO under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public Licence (CC-BY 4.0).
- I have read and understand the terms of the CC-BY 4.0 licence, and recognise that the terms of the licence apply to all downstream uses of any submitted data.
- I recognise that any data I submit through this interface will be available to the public via the Dandjoo interface, and via provision of the entire dataset (including non-standard fields not visible in the Dandjoo interface) to users who request it, with the following exceptions:
- individual records relating to a sensitive species will only be visible to logged-in Dandjoo users explicitly authorised by DBCA; and
- any personally identifiable information (e.g. names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses) detected by BIO in free-text fields will be redacted during routine assurance processes.
- I recognise that any data I submit will be publicly attributed to me and/or my organisation per the information I enter in the Organisation field of the Biodiversity Information Office of Western Australia’s data submission portal.
- I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, and with the exception of sensitive species records, no data I submit through this interface includes content that is prohibited from public release due to legislative, policy, or commercial restrictions, or for any other reason.
- I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, any data I submit through this interface is accurate and correct to the extent practicable within the limits of the scientific process by which it was collected.
- I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, any files uploaded through this interface are free from malicious code.
- I recognise that any data I submit through this interface will be subject to a curatorial process, to which the following terms apply
- BIO staff may amend the syntax or formatting of values, where these changes do not materially alter the meaning of the data.
- BIO will seek my feedback on any potentially erroneous values detected in my data prior to making it available via Dandjoo, providing me with the opportunity to correct or suppress invalid records; and
- records relating to sensitive species will be forwarded to the relevant DBCA business unit for an additional round of curation and ingestion into DBCA’s sensitive species database before on-provision to Dandjoo for approved viewers (in line with normal business processes, any edits to these records will be made by scientific experts and will not be referred to the data provider for approval).
- I acknowledge that, while BIO will apply routine assurance processes to identify potential errors and personally identifiable information contained in any data I submit through this interface, BIO cannot guarantee that all errors and/or instances of personally identifiable information will be identified.
- I acknowledge that BIO may contact me to request further clarification on certain fields, records, or values in my data in the event that additional information is requested by a data user.
- I recognise that submission of data by this interface does not constitute a transfer of ownership to BIO, nor relieve the submitter of any pre-existing obligations in relation to the original data, including obligations relating to its storage, backup, and protection.
- I recognise that I may request BIO to remove any data submitted via this interface from public display on the Dandjoo platform at any point, but that this request will not extend to users that have previously obtained the data from the Dandjoo platform or from a downstream user under a CC-BY 4.0 licence prior to this request.
- I acknowledge that DBCA is not liable for any damages or harm to myself, my organisation, or to a third party arising from my provision of data to BIO via this interface.
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