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Part of Biodiversity Information Office

Dandjoo Conditions of Use

Our conditions of use consist of:


How Dandjoo works: Important information for users

Dandjoo is a biodiversity data sharing platform developed and hosted by the Western Australian Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) Biodiversity Information Office (BIO).

Data sources

The information in Dandjoo is provided by a variety of public and private organisations, and by individual researchers.  BIO does not collect biodiversity information itself,  but provides the Dandjoo platform to make this information more discoverable, accessible and useable.

Curation of data

BIO provides a curation service to improve searchability and usability of information (including standardisation of date and location information).  However, unless otherwise noted, does not alter the meaning of any information provided without the consent of the provider.  The primary exception to this is where a taxonomic name change has resulted in a species being split, with some populations being classified as a threatened.  In such cases, DBCA experts may request BIO alter a species name to ensure that access to location information is appropriately controlled in line with relevant legislation. 

To improve searchability, BIO attempts to provide the most recent current name for each species alongside the name contained in the original record – this means that a search will also return records with names that are historically related.  This name is applied based on the best information available at the time.  However, in some cases BIO may not be able to assign a current name (for instance, in the case of a taxonomic split).  When sourcing information from Dandjoo, you should review the species name as originally recorded and make your own assessment, rather than relying wholly on the most recent current name applied by BIO.

BIO also maps certain data fields to standardised attributes (for example, attributes provided under the Darwin Core standard) to improve useability of information.  These mappings are generally based on data provider input, and are informed by best judgements of data providers and BIO staff.  However, you should make your own assessment before relying on any mappings provided in Dandjoo. 

Use of data

Information about licensing of data provided via Dandjoo is detailed in the Conditions of Use below.  You should be aware that some but not all biodiversity information in Dandjoo is provided under a CC BY 4.0 licence.  This is particularly important for survey data submitted via provided by the Department of Water or Environmental Regulation (DWER) under the Index of Biodiversity Surveys for Assessment (IBSA) program, which may be provided under a bespoke licence.  You should review the Conditions of Use and contact BIO if you have questions about the licensing arrangements for particular information.

When citing information retrieved via Dandjoo, you should attribute it to the Rights Holder.  The Rights Holder for each record is identified in the Dandjoo interface and in any data extracts downloaded from Dandjoo.  You should also reference Dandjoo as the source, citing DBCA as the publisher – for instance ‘Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions [current year] Dandjoo search accessed on the [date of search]’.

Quality and completeness of data

BIO staff run a variety of quality assurance and quality control procedures over information submitted by Data Custodians, and work with Data Custodians to resolve any concerns before publication on Dandjoo.  However, you should be aware that this does not guarantee there are no errors or omissions in information provided via Dandjoo.

You should note that information provided via Dandjoo does not represent a comprehensive listing of species occurring in a given area or the abundance of a species.  Nor does a lack of information indicate the absence of a species.  The information provided is dependent on both the information provided by third parties to BIO, and by the number and type of surveys carried out within an area.  If you are seeking more complete information about species presence or absence in an area, you should consider engaging a professional to conduct a survey.

Information relating to threatened and priority species is available to the public through the use of the species list tool, which will show obfuscated threatened and priority species in your search area.  At this time Dandjoo does not display threatened and priority ecological communities.  Should you require precise record locations, threatened and priority species and communities information should still be requested via DBCA’s Species and Communities Branch.

Dandjoo’s interface displays data on a by-species basis.  However, some data in Dandjoo is originally provided to BIO on a by-site or by-plot basis.  If you are seeking this information in its original format, you can contact BIO to request it where available.

Dandjoo’s interface displays a set of standard attributes, such as species name, latitude, and longitude.  However, many submissions to BIO contain a more extensive set of attributes.  If you are interested in accessing additional attributes that were provided with a submission, you can contact BIO to request these where available.

Fitness for purpose

BIO seeks to make biodiversity information widely available for users with a variety of skill levels, and for a range of purposes.  However, DBCA cannot guarantee that data provided via Dandjoo is fit for every purpose – please use your judgement and consult the BIO team, who can provide further information and refer queries on to data submitters where appropriate.

The information available via Dandjoo subject to continual updating, augmentation and amendment.  You should take this into account when using Dandjoo.


Dandjoo Conditions of Use

Acceptance of Conditions of Use

By using Dandjoo, you agree to accept these Conditions of Use.

DBCA may change these Conditions of Use at any time, and may do so without giving you prior notice.  Any amendment to the Conditions of Use will be effective immediately.  By using Dandjoo after any amendment to the Conditions of Use, you agree to accept the amended Conditions of Use.

In addition to these Conditions of Use, there may also be additional terms that govern the use of, or access to, specific parts or sections of Dandjoo, including the information provided via Dandjoo (Additional Conditions).  The Additional Conditions will apply in addition to these Conditions of Use.  If the Additional Conditions are inconsistent with these Conditions of Use, then the Additional Conditions will prevail to the extent of any inconsistency.

Your use of Dandjoo

The information provided via Dandjoo is provided by DBCA, the Data Custodians and the Rights Holders in good faith on an ‘as is’ basis and for information purposes only.

You should not act on the basis of any information provided via Dandjoo making your own assessment of that information and obtaining specific professional advice as appropriate.  You must use and rely on the information provided via Dandjoo wholly at your own risk.

Where there is any doubt regarding the accuracy of information provided via Dandjoo you should contact DBCA’s Biodiversity Information Office (BIO) which will review your query and liaise with the relevant Data Custodian to where appropriate to obtain advice.

Copyright and licensing

Dandjoo is managed by BIO, and provides access to information supplied by various data custodians (Data Custodian). 

Copyright for Dandjoo is held by DBCA, and all rights are reserved apart from any use (i) explicitly granted in writing by a license; or (ii) permitted under the Copyright Act 1968.

Copyright for the information supplied to Dandjoo is held by the Data Custodian or by a third party (the Rights Holder).  Where copyright is owned by a Rights Holder, the copyright is managed by the Data Custodian on behalf of the Rights Holder.

The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) is the operator of Dandjoo on behalf of the State of Western Australia.  DBCA is also a Data Custodian and Rights Holder.

Where DBCA has reason to believe that the Data Custodian is not also the Rights Holder, it will make every reasonable effort to identify the correct Rights Holder and provide this information to Dandjoo users.  However, DBCA relies on information provided by Data Custodians and cannot guarantee that the Rights Holder will be correctly identified where this information is incorrect or incomplete. 

All information provided by a Data Custodian is subject to copyright or made available under a license.  If you wish to use information provided by a Data Custodian, it is your responsibility to comply with all relevant copyright conditions or requirements, and any license conditions that apply to the information.

Information provided via Dandjoo about the location of species is generally provided under a CC BY 4.0 except (i) where provided by the Department of Water or Environmental Regulation (DWER) under the Index of Biodiversity Surveys for Assessment (IBSA) program, (ii) where it relates to a threatened species or ecological community under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016, or (iii) where otherwise specified.  If you wish to use information provided by a Data Custodian and are uncertain about the licensing conditions that apply, it is your responsibility to contact BIO to seek clarification.

Dandjoo disclaimer

In this section, DBCA means the State of Western Australia, DCBA, the Data Custodians, and the Rights holders, and in each case their officers, employees and agents.

DBCA makes no representation or warranty (i) as to the currency, reliability, accuracy, completeness, merchantability, or fitness for purpose of information provided via Dandjoo, or (ii) that Dandjoo will provide an uninterrupted or error-free service.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, DBCA will in no way be liable to you or anyone else for any loss or damage, however caused (including through negligence) which may be directly or indirectly suffered by you or anyone else in connection with your use of Dandjoo, any information provided via Dandjoo, or websites of other entities which are linked to this Dandjoo.  This general disclaimer is not restricted or modified by any of the following specific disclaimers.

DBCA is expressly not liable to you for any liability arising from or connected with (i) any errors, omissions or inaccuracy of any information provided via Dandjoo; or (ii) any lack of reliability, currency or completeness of any information provided via Dandjoo.

DBCA accepts no responsibility for, and is not liable to you for any liability for, any losses, damages, personal injury, or death, (howsoever caused) or any costs or expenses (including without limitation legal costs and settlement costs) incurred as a result of (i) your use of this Dandjoo, or (ii) your use of, or reliance on, any information provided by Dandjoo.

DBCA is not liable to you or anyone else for any interference with or damage to your computer systems which occurs in connection with your use of Dandjoo or any information provided by Dandjoo or a linked website.  You must take your own precautions to ensure that whatever you select for your use from Dandjoo (including any information provided by Dandjoo) is free of viruses, malicious computer code or anything else that may interfere with or damage the operations of your computer systems.

DBCA may at any time, and from time to time, make changes to Dandjoo, and may do so without giving you any prior notice. Changes to Dandjoo may include adding and removing information provided by Dandjoo. DBCA does not undertake to keep this Dandjoo updated. Dandjoo is not liable to you or anyone else if any errors occur in the information provided via Dandjoo, or if the information provided by Dandjoo is not up-to-date.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, all representations, warranties and other terms are excluded and where they cannot be excluded, any liability incurred in connection with the use of Dandjoo or any information provided via Dandjoo is limited to resupply.​

DBCA disclaimer

In this section, DBCA means DCBA and its officers, employees and agents.

DBCA is not liable for any liability caused by any other Data Custodian or Rights Holder.


DBCA may record visits to Dandjoo through use of cookies, and may log the following information for statistical purposes (i) the user's server address; (ii) the user's top-level domain name (eg. .com, .gov, .au, .uk etc.); (iii) the date and time of the visit to the site; (iv) the pages accessed and documents downloaded; (v) the previous site visited; and (vi) the type of browser used.

Unless you are registered for any online service, no attempt will be made to identify you or your browsing activities except where required or authorised by law.

If you subscribe or are registered for any services on Dandjoo then your e-mail address and the other personal information you provid​e will be recorded. It will only be used for the purpose for which you have provided it and it will not be added to a mailing list, unless you have given specific permission as part of the requested service. Your e-mail address is confidential. Dandjoo will not use or disclose your e-mail address to any third party without your consent.


These Conditions of Use are governed by and are to be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Western Australia. You agree that the courts of Western Australia have non-exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute or other matter arising from these Conditions of Use or Dandjoo.

If any provision of these Conditions of Use is found to be invalid or unenforceable, then that provision may be (i) read down to the extent necessary to make it valid and enforceable; or (ii) severed and the remaining provisions of these Conditions of Use enforced.

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Map of Western Australia with location points plotted